| IĪBOUT US Since the company was founded in 1931, customers have come to recognize Dwyer Instruments, Inc. You can also go to our website at the following address to be contacted by your local distributor: /Distributor DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.
Contact the office of your country or contact the corporate headquarters to find your local distributor. Unit 605A, 6/F, Shui Hing Centre 13 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong DWYER-INST.CO.UK Phone | +44 (0) 1494 461707 Fax | +44 (0) 1494 465102 Phone | +852-23181007 Fax | +852-27561565 OTHER CONTACTS ORDERS TECHNICAL SUPPORT LITERATURE REQUESTS QUOTATION/BID REQUESTS GENERAL INFORMATION INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS Dwyer has local distributors in over 79 countries. DWYER AROUND THE GLOBE CONTACT INFORMATION CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.